Chocolate Nerds

Cupcakes on plate

At, we have zero tolerance for body shaming. That’s why you can imagine the squeals of delight at the office when we learned that chocolate-for-breakfast not only improves brain function, but also keeps us svelte!

Hands down, “more frequent chocolate consumption was significantly associated with better performance” on tests. In other studies, chocolate in the morning was found to help people lose weight! We didn’t need to read any more. We are convinced.

Mercifully, we are surrounded by amazing chocolatiers. Enjoy awarding winning whoopie pies by the Frisky Whisk at CBD or the Hilltop Superette. Indulge in some “unreal hot chocolate” at Sip of Europe on Congress Street. Or the pièce de résistance…a chocolate cream pie from Two Fat Cats on India. Meow!!!

If chocolate isn’t your thing, experts say that you can enjoy the same brain ballooning benefits of the flavonoids found in chocolate, from other sources such as red wine (maybe not for breakfast).

Shut. The. Front. Door.

While known for its more stouty offerings, The Snug – cheerfully close to our HQ – delivers with amazing house and by-the-bottle reds that will have you drawing all the homeomorphic irreducible trees of degree 10, just like Will Hunting!

Long story short; if you see a tech…feed that bear – or rather, offer them a piece of your Hershey bar. Your laptop will thank you!

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