We Support Girls Who Code

Working on MacBook

“Computing skills are the most sought-after in the US job market, with demand growing 3X the national average. Computing is where the jobs are — and where they will be in the future — and yet our girls are being left behind. Girls Who Code’s recent #CracktheCode research report shows that if we act now, we can actually triple the amount of women in computing by 2025.

This holiday season, Girls Who Code is asking supporters like you to donate to their campaign to help further their mission to close the gender gap in tech.”

It’s pretty simple: there is a gender bias in STEM. It starts in the lower grades, extends through college and slams into high gear in the job market.

For every new hire we seek, we see a 1 to 70 ratio of women to men. Several times, we’ve had no women apply. None. The worst part for us, as a tech company, is that noting the numbers doesn’t fix anything. It’s frustrating and sad. Girls Who Code creates programs to support young women interested in tech. It creates an environment where their talents are normal, where they can experiment without the intrusion of gender roles.

It makes so much sense to us that we’re aiming to raise $1000 for their holiday campaign. Want to help us?


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