Top 5 Five Tips for Coronavirus IT

Photo by Daria Nepriakhina, Amsterdam

As a 100% cloud based company, we have a long history of helping clients transition to remote work. Over the last month, we’ve supported hundreds of users who were suddenly working from home. For many, it was easy. They had the tools with them, on their own devices. For the ones who are reliant on in-house servers and legacy apps, we’ve worked on seamless remote access to office PCs and networks.

We’ve learned a few things along the way too (the top five list is below). If your company isn’t working with us, tell us what you need and we’ll see if we can help.

We’ve ranked this list, with number one being the biggest issue so far.

Power Issues
We manage battery backups on servers and networks but what about office PCs? You can’t remote into a workstation that’s offline. What happens if the power is out for a long period of time? Who can help onsite? Power issues have been our number one gremlin, especially in non-urban areas where power isn’t consistent.

Home Internet
Remote workers need decent Internet connections at home. It can make a big difference in their remote work experience. In many cases, users were never set up for a home office scenario. We’ve spent time trying to optimize user access and address glitchy scenarios. Remote security has been a focus too.

App Problems
Apps like Zoom have basic needs: you can’t have a meeting if the desktop doesn’t have a microphone. Also, on-the-fly deployments meant that users struggled with new logins, hardware and subscriptions. We’ve been helping them via remote support sessions.

In the office, connections were easy to administer. But what happens when your workforce is rapidly changing and users cannot get to the data they need? Enforcing policies and permissions can require new thinking when your team is on the outside.

User Training
When you have to rethink your office, after years of familiar patterns, there is always a learning curve. Internal mentoring can help. Our team is a resource for training too.

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