Two people working on a laptop at a desk. You can only see their arms and a MacBook.

Big Ideas for Any Office

Your business can’t run on jargon.

Our clients rely on us for desktop support, networking, servers and websites. Some have a few PCs, others need help with server and large networks. Hotels, restaurants, non-profits, financial and legal firms, real estate…hundreds of diverse clients.

Small businesses have wildly varying IT needs and our expertise keeps expenses in-line with your goals. Our curiously quick response times improve productivity.

Most of all, we try to spare you the lingo.

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At your office and remote.

In our office, some of our staff might be polishing a WordPress site while another is recovering data from a dead PC. At a client site, someone might be configuring a Quickbooks® server while another is setting up a new laptop. Tomorrow? Maybe installing new PC at a hotel when the projector at a budget meeting goes on the fritz.

Simplicity is our mantra. We consider business processes first. We weigh security risks and options, create disaster recovery plans and build in redundancy. We focus on securing your data and communications. PCI and HIPAA compliance simplified? No problem.

Our goal is to look out for our clients’ best interests.

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6 things that make us different.

  1. No multi-year service contracts required
  2. No retainer fees
  3. Dedicated managers for an in-house experience
  4. No sales intermediaries for quotes
  5. Absurdly fast response times
  6. Widely experienced tech teams (not just Windows)
  7. Low client to engineer ratio
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Dark image of a man with folded arms seated at a desk with a computer keyboard
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