“No Coding Knowledge Necessary”

A white geometric spiral design on a black background, consisting of right-angled lines starting from the center and expanding outwards, forming a square-like spiral shape.

Back in October, Techcrunch wrote an article on Ex-Google AdSense Director of Products Brian Axe  and Medium Designer Leigh Taylor’s new service, TheGrid.io, which aims to conquer the hassle of coding a beautiful and professional website with the use of artificial intelligence. Simply put, the service acts as a personal in-house web designer for the small fee of $25 per month, no batteries necessary.

Sadly, no technical demo has been released by the Grid team to show off functionality, but they are allowing backers early access late Spring 2015. Early access isn’t the only benefit of becoming a backer. Backers receive a 1 year membership to the service at a reduced rate of $8 per month, that’s $204 in savings — not bad.

As a Web shop that uses WordPress very frequently for client websites & projects, we at TKC are curious to see how this service will perform and compete with user-friendly web solutions like WordPress. Customization of themes, layouts, and unique features are common requests by many clients. With WordPress, executing these requests is simple because of the human element. One can simply go into the code and manipulate it as needed, but with TheGrid the human element is eliminated; aside from telling the machine to do x,y, and z.

How will it handle these requests? Will a developer still have to tweak code produced by the TheGrid? Right now it is too early to tell how it will all work, but with an Ex-Googler at the helm we are sure that TheGrid will surpass past failed attempts with an intuitive solution to the “No Coding Knowledge Necessary Website Problem.”

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